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Using intaQt Client
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Using intaQt Client

Using intaQt Client

Start Required Applications

To use intaQt Client, first navigate to the QiTASC directory from the command line. Next use the launch on the following applications:

  • adm

  • intaqt

  • intaqt-cli

Some users my need to execute intaqt commands as ./intaqt.

Execute Test Cases

To run a test case, or a series of test cases, use the following command:


    qitasc launch intaqt-cli test \
    [options] <project-name> [<file-or-dir> ...]


  • [options] - Optional parameters used to specify a host, port, report directory or filtering tags

  • - The directory of the project to run

    • This must be one of:
      • A path relative to the intaqt2ApiAdapter.projectsRootDir configuration
      • An absolute path
  • [ ...] (optional) - Specific files or subdirectories from within the project to run

    • If left empty, all tests in the project will be run
    • When specifying a file or directory, the following may be specified:
      • Name(s) of the Feature Files to execute. They must contain the .feature extension
      • Relative paths to Feature File(s) starting from the project root
        • This is used, for example, if multiple files (located in different subdirectories of the project) have the same name, but only one certain Feature Files should be run


     ## runs all test cases in the project
     qitasc launch intaqt-cli test
     ## runs specified test cases from the project
     qitasc launch intaqt-cli test phonetests \
     callwaiting-1.feature, subdir/callwaiting-2.feature
     ## specifies the host and the folder to send the XML reports to
     qitasc launch intaqt-cli test -h \ phonetests -r ../../intaqt/reports

Optional Parameters

Calling the intaQt Client help page (./intaqt help) brings up the following list of options and description.

Option Description
(-h | --host) <host> intaQt address (default localhost).
(-p | --port) <port> intaQt port (default 36012).
(-c | --config) <config> Any additional configuration that take precedence over the default configurations. Avoid spaces or use quotes "" to enclose configuration. This can be used repeatedly).
(-r | --report) <report-dir> The XML test report directory (defaults to working directory).
(-t | --tags) <tag1>,~<tag2>,<tag3>|<tag4> The tags for filtering test cases(defaults to ~ignore tag).
(-s | --summary) <summary-file> The test results summary file in junit XML format (will not be created if not explicitly given).
--retries <max retries> The maximum number of retries for failing test cases (will override individually configured retries in xml config file).
--delay <seconds> The number of seconds to wait before each execution (will override individually configured delays in the XML config file).
--sync Syncs/uploads local project changes to the server before execution (defaults to no sync).

Pass Configurations to intaQt Client

The command line option -c or --config passes configurations to the test execution. These will be interpreted as if they are .conf files. The option can be used several times to pass multiple parameters.

The passed configuration overrides any value provided in the context-specific configuration of the target Feature File. Depending on the use case, the context-specific configuration can hold a default value, which can be overridden with the passed configuration.


intaqt test -c ContextObjects.test=test -c var2=value2 MyProject MyFeature.feature

Retry Failing Test Cases

The command line option --retries configures the maximum number of retries for failing test cases. By default, the retry counter is 0, meaning unless retries is specified, intaQt Client will not attempt to rerun failing test cases.


intaqt test --retries 3 my-project

In the example above, the command retries each failing test case inside my-project a maximum of three times.

Retry Failing Test Cases with XML Test Suite Configuration

The retries counter is also implemented as an additional attribute for the TestScript tag used with XML Test Suite Configuration.

Delay Between Test Executions

The command line option --delay configures the number of seconds intaQt Client will wait before executing the next test case. The delay argument is optional and set to 0 by default, meaning that intaQt Client will not delay executions.

When combined with retries, the delay will also be applied for each retry.


intaqt test --delay 10 my-project

When using delay, the first test case will not be delayed.

Upload Full Project to intaQt Before Execution

The command line option --sync synchronizes a project's content before executing it on the target intaQt. The client checks if the project is present on server. If so, it will proceed to execute that project. Otherwise, the client will upload the full project contents to the server before executing it. The --sync option is useful when executing tests on a remote intaQt instanc where the project is not hosted on that machine.

Currently only the capability to upload the full project is implemented.

XML Test Report Directories

The command line option --report specifies the directory to which XML test reports will be saved. An optional timestamp may be added to the generated report folder.


./intact-cli test --report "reports/test-{date}"

The following syntax may be used for specifying the optional timestamp syntax:

  • {date} Creates a date with the default pattern (yyyyMMd-hhmmss)

  • {date | hhmm} Creates a date with a custom pattern

Results and Outputs

All artifacts generated during the test run by intaQt will be streamed back to intaQt Client and stored into the report directory. These are the same artifacts as found in the report directory generated on the server side.

Additionally, following output is generated:

  • An intaqt.xml file located in the reports folder, which stores a summary of the test results in a standard junit format.

  • An intaqt.log log file located in the working directory with debug information from the intaQt Client execution.