intaQt Built-ins¶
intaQt Built-ins provide out-of-the-box functionality for a range of use cases, such as database connections, XML matching, programming language-specific content generation and utility functions. These predefined functions apply to many contexts and enable writing complex, custom tests.
ADB Built-ins - ADB Built-ins provide Android Debug Bridge (Adb) functionality for local and remote phones. They work with both Steps and UI Steps.
Add Link to Test Case Report - Appends a URL to the test case report. Appended URLs are listed in the test case report, after the executed Steps. Each hyperlink is clickable and opens the provided URL.
Audio Built-ins - Provides intaQt Audio Service functionality to the custom intaQt Steps Language.
Attenuator Built-ins - Attenuator Built-ins provide Handover Box functionality to the custom intaQt Steps Language.
CdrSet Built-ins - CdrSet Built-ins create CDRs for Online Verification. They are also available for XML Ticket Creation.
Chart Plotter Built-ins - Chart Plotter Built-ins return a new chart plotter object and create graphical representations of Data Sequence Event and Time Sequence Event data.
Conversion Built-ins (toNumber and toString) - Conversion Built-ins convert between numbers and strings.
Copy Built-ins - Copy Built-ins copy files to a remote host using SSH.
CSV Built-ins - CSV Built-ins provide functionality for parsing CSV files and accessing their content.
Custom Step and Stepdef Parser Built-ins - Custom Step and Stepdef Parser Built-ins simplify working with Custom Steps and Stepdefs.
Date and Time Handling Built-ins - Date and Time Handling Built-ins execute operations involving time. The format patterns are represented as a
object. -
Delay Built-ins - Delay Built-ins cause the current execution thread to sleep for the specified number of seconds.
Detecting the Underlying Operating System Built-ins - Detect whether intaQt is running on Windows, Linux or Mac OS.
Duration Built-ins - The Duration Built-ins create an object that represents a specified amount of time.
E-Mail Built-ins - E-mail Built-ins provide methods for preparing and sending E-mails from intaQt via a test case.
Execute Built-ins - Execute Built-ins execute commands on a remote host using SSH. Analysis can then be performed on the returned result.
Execution Language and Context Built-ins - Sets and accesses Context Objects.
Executor Built-ins - Executor Built-ins execute any process available via the command line.
Extractor Built-ins - Extractor Built-ins enable using an Extractor from any sub-language.
File Built-ins - File Built-ins provide methods for file system access.
Fuzz Built-ins - Fuzz Built-ins provide functions for generating random values, including number ranges, date ranges, strings and making boundary checks.
- HTTP Built-ins - HTTP Built-ins create HTTP requests and responses. They are primarily used for Request Builder functions (
) and their available builder methods. More complex functionality is also available in the following subsections:
- Image Built-ins - Image Built-ins extract 7-segment digits from pictures of displays. An algorithm detects the image's display margins. Additional functions try to recognize the picture's display based on user-specified configurations.
JMS Built-ins - JMS Built-ins provide functionality to the Java Message Service (JMS) API, which is a Java Message Oriented Middleware (MOM) API for sending messages between two or more clients. The Built-ins are used to handle the Producer-consumer problem.
JSON Built-ins - JSON Built-ins convert JSON encoded structures (numbers, strings, booleans, arrays, objects and null) into Vocable Data Transfer Objects (DTOs) that are natively usable. JSON arrays are converted into lists, while JSON objects are converted into maps consisting of an unordered collection of key-value pairs.
LDAP Built-ins - LDAP Built-ins create and execute LDAP commands with a given set of parameters and arguments.
Logging Built-in (Println and Trace) - Logging Built-ins print logging messages to the Protocol log and the Trace log, which are located in a test cases's
- Matching Built-ins - Matching Built-ins verify large XML files (for example, > 1Gb). They stream files to prevent memory issues on standard hardware, rather than building a model of the structure in memory. Matching Built-ins use Matchers, which are objects that hold callbacks, to verify a document.
- OCR Built-ins - OCR Built-ins invoke Tesseract OCR commands.
- PDF Filling Built-ins PDF Filling Built-ins provide functionality PDF form filling, including setting and retrieving text, changing font sizes and checking checkboxes.
Ranges Built-ins - Ranges Built-ins generate a list of inclusive ranges from two integer values. The range can either be consecutive numbers or incremented by a specified Step size.
RawSocket Built-ins - RawSocket Built-ins open a Raw Socket Connection to any host on any port, as well as send and receive messages to and from the service.
Rater Built-ins - Rater Built-ins implement Rater functionality in custom Stepdefs. They use a CSV file that holds tariff configurations based on call durations or events. Unlike the Rater, the Rater Built-ins do not require an extra configuration.
Regex Built-ins - Regex Built-ins create Regexes, as well as match and extract Regex objects.
Reporting Built-ins - Reporting Built-Ins enable attaching files to a report and determining the file extension base on its MIME type.
SCP Built-ins - SCP Built-ins enable copying files from one SSH server to another.
Serial Built-ins - Serial Built-ins send AT commands to any serial device data sticks using intaQt's Steps Language.
Sikuli Built-ins - Sikuli Built-ins integrate the Sikuli visual automation and testing tool with intaQt test cases.
Sort Built-ins - Sort Built-ins sort lists by passing a function that customizes how the sorting will happen.
Sorting and Grouping Maps Built-ins - Sorting and Grouping Maps Built-ins sort and group lists of maps.
SQL Built-ins - SQL Built-ins provide functionality to access SQL configured databases, execute queries and retrieve results.
SSH Built-ins - SSH Built-ins enable the remote execution of any command on a configured SSH server.
Template Built-ins - Template Built-ins enable generating text output to intaQt Steps Language, based on templates and changing data. Two functions are available:
- Create the template from string or file.
- Process the data model containing the missing values to the template, and replace the template tags with missing values.
Text Splitter Built-ins - The Text Spliter Built-ins split a string argument at the newline or carriage return/line feed characters and return a list of lines. CR/LF characters are removed from the line endings.
Timer Built-ins - Timer Built-ins periodically execute a reactor's function after an optional initial delay, without halting the feature execution.
- UUID Built-ins - UUID Built-ins generate a random UUID.
- XML Built-ins - XML Built-ins enable processing XML strings. Their two main functionalities involve decoding XML into a map and evaluating XPath to string.
- YAML Built-ins - YAML Built-ins parse YAML files. The created node object is a tree structure, which can be queried.